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Election 2020

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On the top of every American’s mind is the election tonight. Will we learn from the mistake of 2016 where we assumed a Clinton win was all but assured? Or won’t we?

It’s still to early to tell, but the anxiety is killing me

If you haven’t picked up on it or followed my t=Twitter feed in the last couple months you know who I’m voting for. You know who I vehemently hope doesn’t win this election. That there is any question in any way that the incumbent shouldn’t at this moment be frog marched out the front door of the white house, down the steps, and into a waiting unmarked vehicle to be prosecuted for multiple crimes is beyond me. But, unfortunately, the weight of uneducated voters and their ignorance carries strength in votes and that’s something I hope this time around was taken into consideration.

Now, I recognize that whether it’s the democrat or the republican in the white house, my way of life won’t change. I’ll still receive annual pay raise (amount is different each year but it’s still a raise), I’ll still wake up tomorrow with job security and a roof over my head. my concern isn’t for any of those things. My vote went towards the candidate with the best “plan” for the environment.

Anyway, now my wife and I are anxiously watching as this plays out on multiple news outlets, fingers crossed, Hoping for the best. And I continue to sit here, knowing that I have to be a responsible adult and go to bed so I can wake up well rested for work tomorrow. We’ll all get through this, one way or the other.

An Unlikely Crew (Announcement)

Hello uh... Spain... it's me.